For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
We would love to have you partner with us.
Donation drives for clothing, books, and / or hygiene products will be posted on our Facebook page. We also need administrative help, and practical assistance in promoting, preparing, and presenting workshops and retreats. If you are interested in serving on the team for an event or have ideas for how we can make a difference, please contact us.
Donation drives for clothing, books, and / or hygiene products will be posted on our Facebook page. We also need administrative help, and practical assistance in promoting, preparing, and presenting workshops and retreats. If you are interested in serving on the team for an event or have ideas for how we can make a difference, please contact us.

Help the Prison Ministry

Collect Materials
Women leaving the Henley Unit and Lucile Plane State Jail need clothing. Specifically, they needs shirts and pants. Larger sizes are appreciated.

The Chaplain at the Henley Unit near Dayton, Texas has asked us to come in to mentor the ladies during their stay and when they leave.

Help with Resources
We provide Bibles, books, and gifts for the offenders and their families. We also help with transition to the free world with work and transportation.

These men and women have been written off by society and even by their families. Please pray with us for their healing and growth.
Recovery Ministry
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
We need greeters, sponsors, accountability partners, and small group leaders to help us in Restoration at Woodlands Church.
If you are in recovery and willing to serve, please send an email to
If you are in recovery and willing to serve, please send an email to